Mobilize Professional Development Summer 2013
In July 2013, a new cohort of 73 high school mathematics and science teachers attended the third annual week-long Mobilize summer institute, during which teachers explored the concepts of data collection, representation, and analysis, as well as computational and statistical thinking practices. Mobilize math and science curriculum specialists and facilitators modeled the math and science units, and teachers were given the opportunity to try the canonical campaigns/collect data as their students would during lesson implementation.

Preparing Students and Teachers to Navigate the Data Stream
Mobilize was recently featured in a Huffington Post article…
Our culture and economy float on a sea of data. As we go about our daily lives — paying bills, buying groceries, sending emails, reading tweets, posting to Facebook, (periodically) undergoing medical tests — we generate streams of data. Businesses, health care organizations and governments need people who can make sense of these streams — these torrents — of data. And we, as citizens, need to understand how to benefit from our personal data. Statistics, the science of learning from data and making sense of variability, is well equipped to help us understand the impact of data on our lives and to prepare a future work force that can make meaningful discoveries from this data deluge. But achieving these goals will require enormous efforts in teacher preparation and changes in the statistics curriculum, itself.
Mobilize Has a New Lead PI
In spring 2013, the Mobilize project welcomed Rob Gould, PhD as its new Principal Investigator. Rob will be leading the charge as we scale up and begin our third year of piloting Mobilize curriculum in LAUSD Computer Science classes/our second year of piloting Mobilize Mathematics and Science curricula.
Rob came to UCLA in 1994 and has been the director of the Center for Teaching Statistics since 1998. He has been active in statistics education reform both nationally and internationally, having been chair of the American Statistical Association’s Advisory Committee on Teaching Education and chair of the Section on Statistics Education. He is a co-author on the ASA’s Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education: College Report, and, along with two-year college instructor Colleen Ryan, co-author of an introductory statistics textbook Exploring the World With Data. He is founding editor of the journal Technology Innovations in Statistics Education and founder of DataFest.
 Mobilize Pilots in Math and Science Classes Spring 2013

Deborah Estrin at TEDMED 2013
What happens when each patient becomes their own “universe” of unique medical data?
We leave a trail of digital data breadcrumbs as we go about our days. With access and good apps, we could make sense of this “small data” to help get a clearer picture of our personal health.
MSP Learning Network Conference 2013
Implementation: From Vision to Impact
February 11-12, 2013
Washington, DC
UCLA receives $12.5 million grant to increase computer science instruction in urban schools
Project utilizes cell phones, Web technology to foster student engagement
UCLA News | October 7, 2010
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