The Mobilize project harnesses the power of a number of applications to help students collect and analyze data in their world. Each application is discussed briefly below.
Mobile Application
The mobile application will be used most often during the project to gather data. The application can gather data via surveys, images and GPS tracking. Beyond just gathering data, mobile application users will be able to view their data submissions and track the upload progress of their submissions via the Response History section.
- Mobile application (coming soon)

Web Application/Web Frontend
The web application will be used to provide students secure access to their data. It supports secure login, campaign management, data management and basic campaign monitoring and visualization. Through a web interface students review and share their data to the growing data set collected by their classes. The web application can also be used to discover the answers to basic statistical inferences in real-time as data is being collected. When data collection is complete, the web application allows for easy exporting of the data to a more thorough statistical analysis tool.
- Access your data (coming soon)

Data Analysis and Visualization
RStudio ( will be used to provide data analysis and visualization functionality. RStudio is an “Interactive Development Environment” (or IDE for short) that supports R programming.